Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Party Time

I still recall the words a friend told me when I was pregnant with Layla. "Just you wait, once all the wedding invites stop, then it's baby showers, and then birthday parties". I never would have dreamed that would entail so many. There are weekends that pass that we are off the hook with none and then ones like below where we had 5 must go to parties. Chris was hunting so I put on my super mom powers and we made them all. Thankfully Chris was able to join us late Sunday for the last 2 because I don't know if I could have kept up that momentum... exhausting I tell you.. but lots of fun and of course memories were made.
Layla had a school party at the Monkey Room. We don't usually attend these because we always seem to have prior obligations so I really felt the need to take her to this one. It was a joy to see all the children interact and to get to know some of the parents that influence the children my child spends most of her time with.
Ava Marie Schleudecker's 1st Birthday

Stella Schick's 1st Birthday

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