Monday, November 24, 2008

Tummy Time

Micah loves his tummy time!

Mohawk Micah Man

MaMa "Stop messing with my hair"!

Geaux Tigers

Layla & Tad up to no good!

Micah, Tad, Graycen & Layla Grace
Here's when she's not picking her nose. She only did that on the day all the parents got to view the girls.

Dancing Queen

Yes, our little sweetie is taking dancing. She seems to love it but many of us are wondering when is she going to quit ballet and take up acting classes. Who knows what little Miss Layla Grace's future holds?!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Introducing Micah Stephen Sens.
Hard to believe it's been almost 5 months since we added to our family. Lenee' finally convinced me I needed to get on board with the blog thing.
Hope everyone enjoys keeping up with our little ones via this site!