Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away..

One more step, ok, mom?
"look at me"

After two full days of consecutive rain and keeping two toddlers cooped up, what else is one to do?
This was one of my most favorite summer days so far! It started out as lets go sit on the porch for a change of scenery and then it was, "mom, just this first step, ok", then it became, "one more step mom?" then it didn't matter. Rain bath & pool baths are two great aspects to the summer heat.

Circus Comes to Town!

Mimi & Layla enjoying the show~

Baby Bro & Micah intensely watching.

Couldn't fight to hold those lids open any longer.

Micah Man is Two!

Micah Man is Two!

Birthday Breakfast

Chug - A- Chug - A.. Choo Choo

Layla's 2nd Dance Recital

Closing number, "Let's Dance"
Our little " Angel"
Backstage with her friends! Doing what little dancers do best, eat treats!

Getting ready for the big night. Next time I know to set her hair the night before like my mom used to do to my sister and I. Her curls didn't set very well since I waited so late. After having my hair in a pixie cut for over a decade the thought of curling my daughters hair didn't occur to me until early that morning.

Layla finished off her second year of dance at Labourdette. She just loves it and from what I can tell so far.. she doesn't have my rhythm.. thank goodness. I have been hopeful that she will take after her dad and Aunt Angel but not her mama. About all I'm good for is the "bounce". She really impressed us all with her moves on stage. She seemed to know her dances well. Her dad and I were so proud as was our little sweetie. On the way home her daddy asked her, "do you want to dance next year?" and with a huge grin she answered, "YES". So as long as she loves it we will continue the journey. The only sad thing is I was conned into being a stage mom so I was unable to get any pics of layla in her costumes because Chris had the snap camera in the audience with him and I was backstage just about the whole time with the exception of walking Layla's class to the stage prior to their numbers. Lesson learned for next year to keep the camera with me and give Chris the video.

Our Annual Destin trip with the Sens' Family
Meat- A -Balls

My Little Pirate

Seashell Digger

Party Time

I still recall the words a friend told me when I was pregnant with Layla. "Just you wait, once all the wedding invites stop, then it's baby showers, and then birthday parties". I never would have dreamed that would entail so many. There are weekends that pass that we are off the hook with none and then ones like below where we had 5 must go to parties. Chris was hunting so I put on my super mom powers and we made them all. Thankfully Chris was able to join us late Sunday for the last 2 because I don't know if I could have kept up that momentum... exhausting I tell you.. but lots of fun and of course memories were made.
Layla had a school party at the Monkey Room. We don't usually attend these because we always seem to have prior obligations so I really felt the need to take her to this one. It was a joy to see all the children interact and to get to know some of the parents that influence the children my child spends most of her time with.
Ava Marie Schleudecker's 1st Birthday

Stella Schick's 1st Birthday

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fishies in the pool

Micah could sit & play with cups and buckets all day.
Sweet Brody loving the water.

One of our favorite family activities is to swim at Papa & Mimi's pool. It's such a joy to watch my dad do the same things I recall from my childhood memories with my sister, brother, & I. Micah had quickly picked up on the thing we all loved the most... piggy back rides. It also makes me smile to watch my two kids do the same things that Angel, Sal and I spent countless, summertime days doing as small children. Playing on the steps of the pool and each time getting a little bit braver, venturing a little bit further to the edge, and eventually as Layla is currently doing, skimming the entire perimeter of the pool like a little froggy.

On my very first day of summer the Vick's came in town from BR to visit us and take the kiddies to the Aquarium. We don't get to see each other very often since their post Katrina move out of the city so it's always fun to see them. Layla & Micah really enjoyed Marley's company. Following our outing we met Sue's dad in the Maringy for dinner. This was an interesting experience for Chris and I because we never attempt restaurants with the kids. Not really worth it for any of us. Layla was an Angel, although J.V spoiled her with his game apt on his Iphone and Chris & I had to take turns the entire 3 hrs. walking Micah around the block. We did have a great family day however.